We are the independent advocate for the Goulburn Valley to be a leading visitor destination

Who are we?

Destination Goulburn Valley has been championing the Goulburn Valley region since the Board's formation 20 years ago.

We are the independent advocate for the Goulburn Valley to be recognised as a leading visitor destination.

We’re a passionate and commercially focused group dedicated to realising the benefits of Victoria’s growing visitor economy.

Board Members
Eugenie Stragalinos - Executive Chair
Michael De Maria - Treasurer
Hayley Collins - Deputy Chair
Nina O’Brien - Secretary

Interested in joining the Board?

From time to time we have casual and formal vacancies. Should you wish to learn more about joining our voluntary Board please email us.

Along the way many individuals and organisations have invested time, energy and experience to ensure the voices of local tourism operators and the needs of the tourism industry are taken into consideration by local and state government.  

In particular, we would like to acknowledge and thank the following for their dedication and contribution:

Carrie Donaldson
Ross Graham
Cheryl Hammer
Kate Smith
Sandra Vazzoler
Glenda Farrington
Brendan Magee
Alice Tallis
Ingrid Thomas
Louise Tremper
Gobie Raju Jade Burley Vicki Scott