Our achievements continue

DGV are  proud to have been asked to have representation on the Establishment Committee responsible for the formation of the  Goulburn Region Tourism (GRT) Board. In addition, DGV has successfully represented our partners by contributing   to the development of the Destination Management Plan, the strategic blueprint for the Visitor Economy Partnership (VEP). 

As the GRT continues to take shape DGV will continue to:  

  • Engage with the current Goulburn Region Tourism Partnership Manager, whilst the transition and the establishment of this entity continues. .

  • Advocate on behalf of our partners  with State & Federal Policy makers and the Visitor Economy industry.

  • Engage with our DGV partners.

  • Pursue  opportunities to secure  funding for our region.

Thanks to our partners and stakeholders for their continued support.


Celebrating our Cultures


Remarkable milestones in the past 12 months.