The value of Strategic Alignment

As the independent advocate for the Goulburn Valley region, our priority areas are the cornerstone to guiding, driving and supporting the growth of the region.    

DGV’s Key Priorities:

Advocacy – we will advocate for the region and our partners to be recognised as a leading visitor destination

Collaboration – we will collaboration and engage with our partners, stakeholders, and community to deliver on initiatives that enhance the regional growth, prosperity and sustainability 

Growth – we will promote our region as a visitor destination that will drive the visitor economy by leveraging the unique attributes of business, activities, and people of the region

Experience – we will focus on growing and promoting products and experiences that will grow target markets

Governance - we will continue to build a strong governance framework aligned with other Visitor Economy Partnership models 

Our key priorities  have been developed based on consultation with partners and alignment with the recently published Goulburn Region Tourism Board, Experience Victoria 2033 Statewide Strategy and Thrive 2030, the Federal Governments Visitor Economy Strategy.


Justin Bice: A Community First Leader in our Region


Strategic Partnerships